Isometric Pack 2: OpenForge Tiles Rendered in Isometric

Isometric Pack 2: OpenForge Tiles Rendered in Isometric

Jan 29, 2021    

[Download] Pack 2: OpenForge Tile Renders


  • Blender Render of OpenForge 2.0 basic tiles
  • transparent png isometric grid at 64 px size
  • 2 asset sheets - walls+floor, stairs
  • separated assets
  • example psd composite

How to use:

Either using the lasso tool on the asset sheets, or by dragging from the separated assets, build your terrain in a photo editor like Photoshop or GIMP using layers. Build from top to bottom or arrange the layer order so that tiles near the bottom of the screen occlude the tiles above them. Tint in photo tool and then add more isometric props. Finally, avoid complex lighting in your base layer, just export to a compressed JPG of reasonable file size. Add lighting in your VTT.

Where to find more Azathought Isometric content

Check out my isometric landing page

Dual License info

Original content is dual licensed so folks streaming on the internet don’t have to worry about using it in a streamed game.

Original content is licened Creative Commons - CC BY-NC 4.0

Alternatively, I grant the right for online commercial broadcast and replay without attribution.

Note, my content is a fan work which may contain Wizards of the Coast IP and is shared following the rules of the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy

Attributions - Contains content from others with linked license, including :

  • OpenForge 2.0 tiles are CC BY-SA 3.0 by devonjones