Isometric Pack 5: Isometric Token Collection 1
⬇[Download] Pack 5: Token Collection 1⬇
Includes: 50+ Hand drawn Isometric Tokens from my previous and current campaign
I use the heck out of patreon art, HeroForge, and other sources to speed up my game prep. But every once in a while I find I need to bust out a drawing pad (iPad Pro + Procreate) and just draw the character I have in my mind. I’m not an artist, so these don’t always mix in well with other art, but it gets the job done. Some of these are rough sketches (gnomes) others I’m very proud of (beholders) Any way about it, enjoy!
Dual License info
Original content is dual licensed so folks streaming on the internet don’t have to worry about using it in a streamed game.
Original content is licened Creative Commons - CC BY-NC 4.0
Alternatively, I grant the right for online commercial broadcast and replay without attribution.
Note my content is a fan work which may contain Wizards of the Coast IP and is shared following the rules of the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy: https://company.wizards.com/fancontentpolicy