Dungeon23 Challenge - Chambers of Heavy Metal

Dungeon23 Challenge - Chambers of Heavy Metal

Mar 12, 2023    

Map 6 of my #dungeon23 challenge. I wanted to take another shot at a traditional top down map, which gives much more time for detailing each room layout. I tried using my shading markers rather than cross hashing in the Dyson Logos style.

The rooms were fun to write. Iā€™m not a metal head, but I leaned into the 4th wall breaking part of puzzles where I often expect the players around the table to participate ā€¦ not the characters inside the fiction.

  • Prompt: Heavy
  • Art: Top Down
  • Techniques: shading markers
heavy metal dungeon
Trying a top down style and using shading markers rather than cross hashing
heavy metal dungeon
The quest on this one is very inspired by Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny