The Classic Blunder or Victory?
For the last two years I’ve been hunting for a way to expand the list of people I play games with, running something more community oriented. Modern urban isolation is real and having something organized helps me be more consistent.
Fast forward to today, and I’m running fairly successful meetup group. We’ve got some regulars. We’ve got two co-GMs, which is great! The challenge: I’m saying yes to too many things and jamming my calendar with too many games. One a week might be survivable but two … oh boy. To put this all in context, I haven’t gotten a good workout in in months. My plan is to get through mid October and adjust from there.
Week 1:
- Playing in our Open Table Shadowdark group
- Running a convention one shot at Hawkland Gaming Festival
Week 2:
- Playing my first game of Tales from the Loop with a GM I met at a “GMs Council” at the FLGS
Week 3:
- Running for our Open Table Shadowdark group
Week 4:
- Running one shot of Eat the Reich in place of our monthly home game of Cyberpunk RED
- Running part 2 of a Dungeon Crawl Classics 3 shot at FLGS
Week 5:
- Open Table Group
At the same time … I’m scheming what comes next. The ability to reach to the shelf of unplayed games is intoxicating.
October approaches